مارس 25, 2020

الفحص الذاتي للثدي

Breast exam methods vary, but generally, they involve using your eyes and hands to observe the appearance and feel of your breasts. A breast exam may be done while standing in front of a mirror, and while either lying down or taking a shower. Breast exams can help identify potential breast problems. The best time for a breast self-examination is between day 6-10 after the first day of your period, when the breasts are not tender or swollen.

Step 1:

Stand before a mirror. Inspect both breasts for anything unusual, such as size, shape, color including redness, discharge from the nipples, puckering, dimpling or scaling of the skin.

Step 2:

Watching closely in the mirror, clasp hands behind your head and press hands forward.

Step 3:

Next, place hands at your waist and bow toward your mirror, letting your breasts fall forward. Note any changes in breast shape.

Step 4:

Raise your left arm. Use three or four fingers of your right arm to explore your left breast firmly, carefully, and thoroughly. Beginning at the outer edges, press the flat part of your fingers in small circles, moving the circles slowly around the breast. Gradually work towards the nipple. Be sure to cover the entire breast. Pay special attention to the area around the breast and the armpit, including the armpit itself. Feel for any unusual lump or mass under the skin. Repeat your exam on the right breast with the left hand.

Step 5:

Gently squeeze each nipple and look for any discharge.

Step 6:

Step 4 and 5 should be repeated lying down. Lie flat on your back, right arm over your head and a pillow or folded towel under your left shoulder. This position flattens the breast and makes it easier to examine. Use the same circular motion described earlier. Repeat with the right breast.

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