March 25, 2020

Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy – Nutrition Therapy

Many women experience nausea and vomiting during the first 12-14 weeks of pregnancy (first trimester). Vomiting and nausea usually go away after the 12th to 14th week of pregnancy. A few women may experience frequent vomiting that lasts for the whole pregnancy.

In the first trimester, most women experience episodes of nausea and vomiting in the morning. This can be referred to as “morning sickness”. Morning sickness can be prevented or decreased by changing simple eating habits.

Tips to Decrease Common Nausea in Pregnancy

The tips below are commonly used to decrease symptoms of mild nausea and vomiting (morning sickness) in pregnancy.

  • Eat 5-6 crackers or tea biscuits before getting out of bed.
  • Eat a banana before getting out of bed or any other fruit that you like.
  • Sip sparkling water (mineral water) before getting out of bed.
  • Eat something small every 2-3 hours while awake. Keeping food in your stomach may lessen nausea and vomiting.
  • Consume liquids – juices, water, tea, etc. between meals. Do not drink liquids at mealtime.

Vomiting in pregnancy that prevents any intake of liquid or food can be a serious problem. Talk with your doctor about any excessive vomiting or if you are experiencing weight loss. Fluid loss may cause dehydration and hospitalization may be required. Vomiting may decrease the food you are able to eat and prevent needed weight gain.

Treatment for Severe Vomiting in Pregnancy

If vomiting prevents normal food and drink intake try these tips:

  • Follow the tips to decrease common nausea.
  • Eat any food that you are craving.
  • Eat as much as you can when you are not nauseous.
  • Sip small amounts of liquids all-day.
  • Go to the hospital if you are unable to eat or drink for more than 24 hours.
  • Your physician may prescribe a medication for nausea and vomiting. Please take as directed and keep all follow-up visits.

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